公式アカウント:apple (@apple) Official TikTok
@apple @kaylly_the_sensei turns day into night with a jump. What can you do? #AirPodsJUMP
@apple @laetitiaky just needs her hair to get jumping. How will you do it? #AirPodsJUMP
@apple @jumpropejimmy can jump over the rainbow. What can you do? #AirPodsJUMP
@apple @jumproperidge will show you how a pro does it. Now it’s your turn. #AirPodsJUMP
@apple @rhegan777 will see if you can keep up. Then it’s your turn to shine. #AirPodsJUMP
@apple @justmaiko can jump into different looks. What will your jump do? #AirPodsJUMP
AirPods Proの新しいCM「Jump」の公開に合わせた企画です。
楽曲はCMと同じ、Young Francoの「Fallin’ Apart (Feat. Denzel Curry & Pell)」が使われています。


関連記事:Apple公式TikTokが #makeitmini チャレンジ開催。iPhone 12 mini発売を記念して